Emma Harrison
Emma has been involved with M2M since the beginning. Back in 2018, Emma reached out to Ed as she was looking for a physio that would be prepared to take her outside on walks and test her neurology in nature. Sure enough, Ed had the contacts. Emma said “Earlier this year [August 2020] I met Ed and Lois on their Walk The Spine challenge, although it was pouring with rain, it was one of the best days of my year. Being able to walk with Ed, facing similar challenges to me and to talk with him and others without judgement or needing to explain everything about my injury was hugely beneficial to me.”
The foundation has enjoyed watching Emma push her boundaries and gain confidence in the mountains after her turbulent time in Burma. Emma contracted Dengue Fever out there & was close to death but after surviving one of the worlds most deadliest diseases developed Transverse Myelitis. This has resulted in Emma having left side weakness, balance issues and limited movement in her hands. Due to Emma’s injury she is no longer able to go back to her designing job full time as she doesn’t have the strength in her hands. This has led to Emma potentially changing career and figuring out what she would like to do next. Emma says the development programme has helped her “The life coaching Lois is providing is helping guide me through the process of building a meaningful and sustainable future and career. She is helping me break down that daunting project, into monthly tasks, allowing me to explore new things, reflect, and see a way forward.”
Although Emma hasn’t managed to get on an abroad trip in 2021 due to Covid, she has managed to join M2M on the Walk The Coast event and a weekend in South Wales where they climbed Sugarloaf & canoed down the River Wye. Emma is really excited to be going on a trip next year “I think being able to walk in an incredible environment such as Iceland could really inspire me with what to do in the future, I feel like I need some space to decide what to do. My life has become so small just focusing on my physical recovery, but as that is now going well I need to address the other aspects.”