Frit Tam
At his lowest point, he felt like a shadow of himself. Depression and anxiety had taken hold, leaving him feeling small, isolated, and disconnected. He retreated from most things in life, stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage. Ironically, in social settings, he could sometimes be the loudest person in the room, putting on a lively, outgoing front to mask the pain within. It was all a facade—a way to distract himself and others from what he was truly feeling.
It was his girlfriend, Frankie, who finally broke through his defences. She saw the struggle he couldn’t fully admit to himself, encouraging him over and over to reach out to Millimetres 2 Mountains. Frankie believed that M2M could provide the support he needed to break free from the darkness. Her faith in both him and the program eventually gave him the push to apply, even though he was still unsure about asking for help.
Starting his journey with M2M hasn’t been straightforward. He admits that in his first year he’s been “holding M2M at arm’s length” out of fear, still caught in old habits of self-sabotage. But the team at M2M, along with other beneficiaries, have been patient and persistent. They encourage him to get involved, join weekend trips, and schedule coaching sessions. “Everyone is just so bloody friendly—you couldn’t find a friendlier bunch of people,” he says. Slowly, M2M has shown him that he’s “worthy of being supported,” and that it’s okay to let others in.
Looking ahead, there are two things that drive him: his upcoming adventure with M2M and the chance to become a true part of the M2M family. He’s excited to dive deeper into this journey, knowing he’s not alone and that he has a network of people who believe in him.